

ADM do Brasil Ltda.
Head office in Brazil: 999 Roque Petroni Jr Avenue – São Paulo (SP).
Specialty/field of work: Trader and processor of agricultural commodities.
Indirect/direct jobs: 5.500 in Brazil.
(11) 5185.3500 • www.adm.com


Head office: 466 Santos Street – 10th floor – São Paulo (SP).
Office in Belém: 5.555 Arthur Bernardes Highway – Tapanã – Belém (PA).
Geographic localization: Plantations and industries of extraction located in the cities of Tailândia, Acará, Moju and Tomé-Açú. Refinery located in Belém.
Specialty/Field of work: Production of seedlings, planting and culture of palm, extraction of gross oils (palm and palmist), refining, production of vegetable fats and commerce.
Direct/indirect jobs: about 5 thousand.
(11) 2505.6400 • www.agropalma.com.br


Belém Bioenergia Brasil S/A
Head office: 443 Senador Lemos Avenue – first floor, room 101 – Ed. Village Executive – Umarizal – Belém (PA).
Specialty/Field of work: Planting, benefitting and commerce.
(91) 3204.4999 • www.belembioenergia.com.br


Biopalma da Amazônia S/A Reflorestamento, Industria e Comércio
Head office: 1264 Alcindo Cacela Avenue – 13th floor – Belém (PA)
Specialty/Field of work: planting, benefitting and commerce.
Direct jobs: 5.475.
(91) 3289.7337


Denpasa – Dendê do Pará S/A
Agricultural office: 391 PA Highway – Km 9,5 – Livramento, Santa Bárbara do Pará (PA).
Geographic localization: Santa Bárbara do Pará e Santo Antônio do Tauá (PA).
Specialty/field of work: planting of palm of oil of hybrid variety (BRS Manicoré) and seed production licensed by Embrapa. Extracting station.
Direct/indirect jobs: 270.
(91) 3621.71600 (91) 999144.1123 • www.denpasa.com.br


Dendê do Tauá S/A
Head office: 140 PA Highway – km 13, rural area, Santo Antônio do Tauá (PA).
Specialty/field of work: planting, benefitting and commerce.
Direct jobs: 941.
(91) 3744.1361


Marborges Agroindustria S/A
Head office: 651 Governador Magalhães Avenue – Ed. Belém Office Center, room 617 – São Braz – Belém (PA).
Specialty/field of work: planting, benefitting and commerce.
Direct jobs: 1.120.


Agroindustrial Palmasa S/A
Head office: 320 PA Highway, Km 37, Igarapé-Açu (PA).
Acting: Developing of the seedling nursery, planting, benefitting and commerce.
Direct/indirect jobs: about 2.000, emcompassing all the partners.